Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's that time of year

This week Michael had his school pictures done. And as usual, he didn't want to wear anything with buttons in the picture. For anyone who has a little boy, you have to know that 75% of the shirts out there seem to have buttons on them. If they don't, then they are usually some sort of character apparel or very casual.

A few weeks ago, Todd's mom brought over some clothes for Michael. One of the outfits was a very nice plaid button-down shirt and a pair of grey pants. Michael and I went to TJ Maxx on Monday to see if we could find a shirt that he could wear for the picture. I didn't really see anything so decided to take my chances and ask Michael if he would wear the outfit from his grandparents. He told me he would.

Tuesday morning came and Michael was adamant about not wearing anything with buttons. I asked him if he recalled our conversation from the previous day about what he was going to wear. I finally got him to put on the shirt with buttons after using a little peer pressure. I told him that most of the boys in his class would be wearing shirts with buttons. He asked if Connor (one of his best friends) would be wearing buttons. I told him I didn't know but that it was OK if he wasn't.

I dropped Michael off at school and his teacher told him about a few of his classmates who were wearing shirts with buttons. When I picked him up, he was looking handsome in his outfit and his teacher said he did great. They even got some pictures with and without his glasses.

Since he wore the shirt with buttons, I felt like we had made progress. I don't know if he will wear that shirt again but I am fine with it. And there was no crying involved!


Mel said...

He looks so cute in his button down shirt! When did they become so opinionated about their clothing? Analese and I go round and round some days:)

Lindsay said...

Very handsome!

Joanna said...

He's so cute, buttons and all.

Anna said...

Funny, Holden will only wear "soft" pants (mostly sweatpants which I hate). I have found he will wear pants with the ribbed elastic waist so that's progress BUT he loves shirts with buttons... His fav outfit is sweatpants and a button down shirt! BOYS! :)

Stacey said...

Adorable!! He looks so proud of himself.

Kara said...

Very handsome!

We checked in Sunday around noon. Guess we did just miss you all!