Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Tonight was Michael's first pack meeting as a Cub Scout.  He and Todd have already attended 2 den meetings, which was only their small group of Tiger Cubs.  The pack meeting is made up of all of the dens in the pack. 

Last week, Michael's den worked on their first badge, the Bobcat badge.  His den only had 2 other boys in it (2 more joined tonight).  Both of them earned the badge at the den meeting last week.  Michael completed all but 2 requirements for the badge.  The den leader told Todd that Michael could still get the badge at the pack meeting tonight if he could finish the last 2.  Michael worked hard on learning the Law of the Pack as well as the Cub Scout promise over the past week.  Since Michael completed these tonight, he also received his badge at the pack meeting.  They all got to go up in front of everyone to receive the badges.

After the meeting, Todd took Michael out to get a milkshake as a special treat for working hard to complete the badge.  Michael was so excited and proudly displayed his badge when he got home.  We were proud of him for accomplishing this and look forward to what comes next.


JenFen said...

Since the pack Jake is in doesn't start until Cub Scouts, Jake's first badge he is going for is his Bobcat too so he has learned the promise, the salute, the handshake and is currently working on the law of the pack. Kind of cool that he is doing the same things as M right now but once he gets his Bobcat, he will move onto the Wolf book. So much to learn about this scouting thing!

Carrie said...

This is what Nathan is working on right now, he will be saying it sometime next month. Good job!